8 - Glossary
Ad blocker
A program that removes different kinds of advertising (pop-ups, banner ads) from a user’s experience online. (Recommended: uBlock Origin.)
A mobile operating system designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers.
Programmes installed on your mobile device, tablet
A kind of wireless technology that enables short-range communication between devices like mobile phones or tablets. It only operates when devices have their bluetooth capability turned on.
A fault or failure in a software program
A small amount of data generated by a website and saved by your web browser. The purpose of cookies is to remember information about you, such as storing login information, for a specific site.
The process of encoding information or messages in such a way that only authorized parties can read it.
A system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private internet network. Firewalls are usually used to stop unauthorized internet users from accessing private internet networks.
The process of adding geographical information to various media for example photos
The Global Positioning System (GPS) identifies your location using a system of satellites.
To get unauthorised access to data in a system or computer
Incognito mode
Incognito mode on the web prevents Google Chrome from saving a record of what you visit and download.
Operating system for apple mobile devices
IP (Internet Protocol) Address
A unique set of four numbers separated by a full stops which is used to identify your computer or device when it connects to the internet
Facebook Timeline
The area of facebook where a user’s photos, updates and events are shared.
Open Source
Software for which the original design and code is made freely available to the public so it can be redistributed and modified.
The fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers, online.
An application that can be installed and used as part of your normal web-browser to add new features such as virus scanners.
Spyware & Malware
Malware is a kind of software designed to damage a computer system without the owner’s knowledge or consent. The most common way a person will install Malware on a computer system is through the internet, including e-mail. Spyware is a form of malware that is installed on computers to collect information about users without their knowledge. Spyware programs can monitor and collect personal information and change user settings stored on the compromised computer.
Rooting (or jailbreaking)
The process of allowing users of smartphones, tablets and other devices running the Android operating system to gain privileged control of their device. Rooting is usually performed with the aim of overriding restrictions that manufacturers put on devices. Rooting gives the ability to users to alter or replace system applications and settings and to run specialized apps.
A website that combines data from various social networks.
A smart card inside a mobile phone that stores the identification number unique to the owner and personal data (i.e. contact data). Removal of the SIM card will stop the phone from working.
Two-factor Authentication
Technology that provides identification of users by means of the combination of two different components. For example when withdrawing money from a cash machine users are required to provide the combination of a bank card and a personal identification number (PIN).
The analysis of a visitor’s behaviour on a website that results in the visitor being presented with content tailored to their interests based on what websites they visit and what they look at.
Voice over IP (VoIP) is a form of technology that allows voice and video communications over the internet. The most well-known example is Skype.
Web Cache
Temporary storage of web documents
Shopping & Banking
How to protect yourself while shopping and banking online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuhjKasJA04 Online Safety - Shopping Online: Security Tips, Rules and Advice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhZU48VTn9c
How to VPN with Private Internet Access to Stay Safe Online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuD7aZQ4aq4 Best Free VPN Services 2015: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=busUSNr-CgI Full VPN Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06zIxqAmxq4 Setup VPN in Windows 8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-P_i9FuPdo How VPN Works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFg7TSwVcL4
Social Networking
Do’s and Don’ts of Social Networking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqezbib5qpQ Easy way to stay safe on Social Networks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W726-whX33c
How to Protect your name online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-b63HX_urls How to Know if a website is secure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-J6sRhtRuU
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