

  • Picture (digital or physical or both)

  • Type of picture to include (see detailed section)

  • Number the picture clearly

  • Date and time

  • A note explaining the context of the picture

Trigger warning: There is a picture of bruises on the next page. Please skip the next page if this can cause you discomfort.


Pictures are an important asset for your case. However, just like the audio recordings, they must be put in context. Remember to include the date and context of the picture. When documenting injuries, it is best to take several pictures: a “close-up” of the injury, as well as the photo of the entire body/body part with your face in it so it can be proven the picture is yours, allowing the viewer to place the injury in context and see its extent. Even if the injuries seem minor to you, you should document them - they can become an important piece of evidence. Try not to be too concerned about the abuser claiming the injuries are the results of your own actions e.g. self harm or natural accidents - doctors are often capable of determining how injuries have been caused, even from just looking at photos.

Remember that abuse includes emotional and psychological harm. So, for example, if your abuser confines you to staying at home, or deprives you of access to basic facilities, or fulfilling your basic needs, photographs of your environment, evidencing the emotional and psychological hardship, can also be useful.

As with the audio evidence, be careful when taking and storing the picture - make sure that your abuser does not find them. You should store both electronic copies, and physical ones, but make sure they are safely hidden away. You can also give and email copies to someone you trust.

If you receive any text or any form of correspondence from your abuser or a friend/family of the abuser - keep it. Don’t delete it.

Types of pictures you can include:

  • Screenshots of

    • Facebook statuses

    • Private Messages

    • Any social media communication

    • SMS - a screenshot/photo of the SMS is a much more powerful piece of evidence than simply repeating what is said!

  • Pictures of injury

    • of yourself - documenting why you feel threatened

    • of someone else - showing the violent character of your abuser

  • Pictures evidencing your day-to-day life and the emotional, psychological and physical harm you experienced through it

    • pictures of your home/room; anything that you made you feel repressed, depressed, or threatened throughout the relationship

  • Pictures of the tools used for abuse (if there were any), in particular if this use is visible (e.g. if there is blood on them).

  • Pictures of ID documents/property papers and any other proof of your status and relationship with the abuser you cannot hold a physical copy of - for example, a marriage licence, or even a photo from your wedding day.

Just like with audio recordings, you should gather this evidence even if you are unsure if it will be helpful. You never know when you might need it to help you convince someone to support you!


“One time I got beat up pretty badly, I remember that I had the opportunity to photograph the evidence at that time but I stopped myself from doing it, thinking of the humiliation and the stigma that would bring if people saw it. I even denied to myself and others that I even had the opportunity to collect that evidence. I regret that decision now because as time went on, I realized that not collecting that evidence at that time worked against me and in favor of my abusers. Now, I don’t shy away from collecting evidence at all, in fact, I like the peace of mind that it affords me and I intend to use it to gain my freedom.” Brave, 26

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