

  • Video

  • Number the video clearly

  • Date and time

  • Explaining who is in the video

  • Transcript in the original language and any other language you need to translate it to

  • Line by line translation in the language used by agencies or officials

    • This can be done by a professional translation agency or someone you know or yourself

    • Include contact details of the translator or transcriber

    • Explain any cultural terms or terms of endearment e.g. nicknames or titles

  • A note explaining the context of the video and any references the people in the video make to incidents or details someone who doesn’t know you would not know about.


Recording a video may be dangerous and can be more difficult than recording an audio but you can do it. You can record with your smartphone by placing it in such a way that it looks innocent. It’s imperative that when you do this, the whole scenario must not appear out of ordinary to your abusers. Watch out for kids because they might discover it and ask you without realising that they are putting you in jeopardy. If you are planning to do this, drop in that your phone is behaving weirdly a couple of times in the weeks prior to this. If you do get caught - blame the phone! The other way to do this is via a laptop as you can easily dim the brightness of the screen so it appears shut when it is actually working.

If you’ve managed to record a video of a conversation that supports your claim and provides the evidence of the abusive nature of your relationship, or shows an attack happening, then it is extremely beneficial to your case.

It is important you clearly explain what is happening in the video, who is in it, what is being said by whom, and what the context is. The authorities or a lawyer will want to know how this supports your case. This can be added after you have recorded the original evidence.

If you are unsure about the legal aspect of recording this, then don’t fear. Record it anyway. Later if you find out you can use it, even if just to persuade the police, an NGO, a loved one or lawyer to take up your case - then it will come in very handy.

Last updated